The Easter is coming and I m very happy. I painted eggs and I m ready to make the traditional dishes for this event. Let the light of Easter bring happines to all of us :)
Today i wake up in a great mood I am full of energy and I would love to share that with you
Happy Easter guys!How are you feeling today?I know it s your Easter and I am curious to hear about your Easter will be next week so I can say that i am lucky to celebrate it twice..kisses
Hi:* today I had a special privat in which a changed clothes every 2 minutes. It was so exciting to try all my dresses :) And yes i have so manyyyy dresses :))) A lady is always prepared with dresses, short or long :P
Here was a rainy weekend and to relax I had a pijama party with my lady friends. We had in the menu pizza and lots of movies:P and when i say pizza...I mean big pizza :)) All just for me :P Pepperoni pizza with half fresh is my favorite :) What did you do this weekend ?:) How was the weather ? What kind of movies do you like to watch :P?
I dream of the summer and what I m going to do :P I plan to go to the seaside and to travel abroad .I want to see more of this beautiful world. Where would u like to go :P?
Everyone has a favorite dish and so am I. I like mediterranean dish and of course all that comes from the ocean. I like to cook a lot , it relaxes me and I m happy when the dish is more and more complicated :P
I love spring so much! The trees are blossoming, nature comes back to life. We can feel the warmth of the sun and we can be more happy. What about u ?:P
Last days I had a "surprise".As I was leaving work, at a stop light i was bumped from behind by a car. As the effect of the blow I got into the car in front of me. So here is an auto tree some :) I m all good, waiting to get my car back, good as new from the service. Hehehehe I m stronger then I look :P
After a long day at work we all think how to relax. If is beautiful outside I can go for a walk in the park. Today is not so sunny nor so warm so I chosen to go with a friend to have a drink. I forgot all about the time passing or any bad vibes . It was so good.
I like to wear sport outfit. But I also like to wear elegant ones too, Which of this 2 would be better for me ?Sometimes is hard to decide which version of me is better :)
I had a wonderful weekend :P It was so warm and nice outside. I took a long walk in the park . I dranked a frapuccino and I love it . I feel so good and I have new vibe in me :P
Valentine s Day is coming . I m all alone waiting for my Valentine ....Who will be the one ?:) Will you be ?:P
There is a saying in my country and in every part of the world. In corpo sano , mente sana. I love sport and I would like to share it with you. I have pics in my gallery to prove that :P:)
I love to play with ingredients! To make lots of dishes ! I like seafood and mediteranean dish. every time I cook I relax very much :P
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